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Stackable rings in Sterling silver gold plated with different gemstones c/o Daisy London Jewellery

Are stackable rings in style or just a fashion trend? This post provides what you need to know about stacking rings to make them your personal signature style.



Disclosure: Sponsored post. The six stackable rings shown in the first photo of this post are samples of my choice from Daisy London. The post is not endorsed by them. I wrote it entirely myself and it represents my own ideas and 100% honest opinions.


What Are Stackable Rings?

Stackable rings are small bands without or with small (semi-)precious gemstones, twisted, engraved, hammered, matt, or plain polished. Typically, they come in solid or plated gold, rose gold, or green gold and Sterling silver. Because you wear these rings concurrently, they are a great way to create your own personal signature style. No collection will be the same whether you choose über-affordable gold-plated or solid gold stacking rings like those from  Daisy London, for instance.


6 different stackable rings with gift box linen bag
Daisy London’s stackable rings are from recycled Sterling Silver. They are packed in boxes from recycled material, and linen bags. Linen is a fabric made from flax fibers, i.e., a sustainable resource.


Are Stackable Rings in Style?

Yes. Stackable rings are a fashionable trend currently. However, what you need to know about stackable rings is that they are also a popular as an eternal classic. The reason is that you can make them your personal signature style. As your collection grows over the years, your styling options increase as well.


What Is an Easy, Foolproof Way of Stacking Rings?

An important thing to know about stackable rings is that balance is key for a great look. Therefore, never wear several pieces on one finger and one on each of the other fingers.
You can’t go wrong with wearing stackable rings of same metal color. Put one single piece on all fingers, but one finger or alternatively, all pieces on one finger.

Tip: To add interest stack smooth (plain polished or matt) and textured (twisted, beaded) bands.


Another easy way to wear stacked bands is to pair rings of same style, but with different colors of matching gemstones.

illustration of easy way to stack rings of same metals
Example of wearing rings of same style and metal color, but different gemstones (left); and same metal, but different styles and gemstones (right).



How to Stack Rings Side-by-Side

This style requires putting rings on both hands. However, one hand can have fewer rings than four. To create a modern look do the following all at once.

  • Mix and match gold of different hues, silver, and rose gold.
  • Leave at least one finger bare.
  • Vary style, weights, and shapes.
  • When using pieces with gemstones avoid clashing of colors.


example how to wear stackable rings side by side
Examples of how to wear two (left) or multiple (right) bands on one finger, and just one on the next finger. Gemstones can be hollowit, lapis, citrine, labradorite, aventurine …



In Which Order Do You Stack Rings on One Finger?

This question has no one-fits-all answer because it depends on the type of rings.

order of stacking rings heaviest first
Example illustrating that the heaviest ring is put on first.


Wedding, Anniversary, and Engagement Bands

Arrange these pieces in the order engagement ring, wedding band, and eternity band. Keep this in mind when exploring your best options of classic engagement rings.


How to Style a Stack on One Finger

Put the heaviest piece at the base of your finger. Then add more pieces in decreasing weight and/or increasing simplicity.


Tip: To get a balanced look of your hand, the middle finger is best for stacking rings.



Interesting, But Risky Ways to Wear Multiple Rings at Once

You can try to wear two or three rings on one finger, and a standalone on the finger next to it. This look works for day and night events.

Tip: For cocktails or a night-on-the-town add a cocktail ring.



What Is the Best Way to Start Stacking Rings?

Decide whether you want to go for side-by-side or the all-on-one style. The former requires pieces in different sizes, while in the latter case, all have the same size. When you make the trend your personal signature style, people might shop for stackable rings as gifts for you. Because they most likely don’t know your ring size, you might get pieces for a side-by-side style over time.


Tip: The most important thing when making the trend your signature is to be creative.


Photos of me: G. Kramm

© 2013-2023 Nicole Mölders | All rights reserved

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Rosemary Davis

    Stacking rings is a great way to style multiple rings.


  2. Jodie

    I always like the rings like this and even started wearing midi rings.