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As much as we may hate to admit it, the fact is that we are coming to the end of the summer. Looking ahead, we know that the fall and the winter are coming in, and it is the time of year when we all need to think a little bit harder about how we are going to look after ourselves. Everyone has their own ways of giving themselves a little boost, and here are a few guaranteed ways to increase your calm levels and give yourself a treat when you need it the most.



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Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physiologist. The following tips are just from my own experiences what works for me to boost my calm. Therefore, when you have a serious mental problem see a specialist.


Increase Your Calm with a Spa Day

A day at the spa, or even a weekend, may not cure all ills, but it certainly can help them seem a lot less overwhelming. One of the most important parts of getting away for some time getting
pampered is that it truly is time that is just for you. We all need to be looking after our mental health
at the moment and having some time that is purely designated for simply unwinding and getting a
great treatment can really make a huge difference. Go on, spoil yourself, and look great at the spa with these outfit and packing tips.


Treat Yourself To A New Wardrobe

When you are looking ahead to a new season, it is time to think carefully about your new look. Fall
fashions can feel a little predictable and a little stagnant. It can be so easy to fall into the same old style rut, ending up with the same old warm colors and warm clothes. So, this season, why not think about trying something a little different? Designer brands and classic luxury names are taking some big swings right now, and Gucci has always been at the forefront of pushing new things. You can browse the latest in edgy fashion on SSENSE’s Gucci page. They have an incredible range of luxury fashion items, and can help you greet the season in style.


woman with Gucci bag to inspire retail therapy as a way to selfcare
Stylish woman meditating in calm on a bench while waiting for the train.


Get a Great Smile

Before turning 50, I never smiled in photos because I was ashamed of having crooked teeth. Finally, at age 48, I decided to have them straightened and get braces. After finishing the treatment I started posting outfits of me with smile on Facebook, and 3 years later this blog. Today I enjoy smiling and regret that I hesitated so long because of lack of knowledge on my options.

Therefore, when the appearance of your teeth bothers you, and even leads to self-bullying (like being ashamed), know that you can have them fixed even as an adult at any age. If you check out this dentist in Oxnard now, they’ll also tell you that you can further enhance your appearance through cosmetic dentistry treatments. If you’d like to know more about these treatments, it’s best to visit your dentist.


mature woman with crooked teeth wearing braces
Adult woman with crooked teeth wearing braces to boost her smile in the future. My self-confidence got a boost after having braces.


Take A Short Vacation to Increase your Calm

Who said that summer had to be the season for the dream vacation? We have all been through so
much lately like trying to survive financial burdens, learning how to  stay sane when working hybrid, travel restrictions for a long time, etc. Let’s face it: We all saw how much of an impact all that travel chaos had over the summer.

So why not think about getting away for a short break this fall instead? Whether you want
to go and chase the sunshine somewhere tropical, or you want to explore those European cities
you’d always dreamed of visiting in the autumn chill. A short trip could be exactly what you need to recharge your batteries.


photo of Venice at the time of the carnival as short vacation to increase your calm
Venice is always worth a visit when traveling in Europe, not only during Venice Carnival.


Spend Quality Time With Friends

Finally, you don’t have to spend money to treat yourself. If you have been pushing yourself hard at
work lately, then the best thing for you could be simply putting a date in the calendar to catch up
with your best friends. There is nothing like spending some quality time in the company of the people closest to you, but we all know how difficult it can be to get everyone to agree on a time. Make this a priority. Talking with friends is a great way of fighting depressions.


Tip: Boost your self-motivation, and self-confidence by reading self-improving books. See for instance, my review of Boss Beauty.


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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. You are right. Both activities distract the brain from going in circles worrying or being stressed out. Thanks for commenting and adding these suggestions to the list.

  2. So true – we do need to take care of ourselves as well as others. I find giving myself time to read during the day or just sitting and staring goes some way to calming myself down. You don’t have to spend a lot to do that!